Review Administrator Supports
Review the information for administrators to determine if Tar Heel Shared Reader is a good fit for your school or program.
Watch the Goodness of Fit Video
Read the Administrator Guide
Utilize the Forms for Administrators

Professional Development
Begin working through the 5 Professional Development Modules.
Note: These links will take you to the online version of the modules. Information for presenting the modules to groups can be found here.
Module 1: Shared Reading
Module 2: Follow the CAR
Module 3: Text Referencing
Module 4: Putting the CROWD in the CAR
Module 5: Putting It All Together

Tar Heel Shared Reader
Explore the Tar Heel Shared Reader interface to see how it can support your shared reading practice.
Tar Heel Shared Reader Interface Quick Start Guide

Self-Reflection and Planning
Use the Self-Reflection and Planning forms to guide your instruction after completing each module.
All Self-Reflection and Planning Forms

Use the Coaching Supports and follow-up activities to refine your practice.
Information on the Coaching Cycle and Coaching Supports